Category Archives: No category

“In any case, if they want to steal, they’ll come anyway!" True or false? - Part 2

“In any case, if they want to steal, they’ll come anyway!” True or false? – Part 2

To try to answer the question contained in the title, we ended the last blog with an observation: there is a particular combination of factors which can make any defence useless. Today we will see what countermeasures can be adopted to try to avoid this possibility.
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“In any case, if they want to steal, they’ll come anyway!" True or false? - Part 1

“In any case, if they want to steal, they’ll come anyway!” True or false? – Part 1

When it comes to security systems, protection methods and alarms, it is often said that, if thieves target a specific objective, sooner or later they’ll mange to carry out the theft. But is this statement true or not? To answer this we’ll need 3 articles on the blog.
Let’s start by making a comparison.

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ELF (European Locksmith Federation) CONVENTION 2019

The ELF Convention, the most important European event specifically dedicated to security, will be held on Friday 10th and Saturday 11th May.
This year it will be that city of Bologna that has the honour of welcoming and bringing together security professionals, industry representatives and all the members of the “European Locksmiths Federation” (that is to say, specialist locksmiths) who will take part. Continue reading

When to trust “Made in Italy”

The “Made in” brand is based on the Community provisions contained in the Community Customs Code (CCC) and its annexes, concerning the origin of the goods in question. We often come across the famous “Made in Italy” brand and take its genuineness for granted. However, there are different criteria and tools to obtain and protect it, without prejudice to the fact that it is also possible to run into misleading indications of origin. So how can a real “made in” be distinguished from one of its imitations? Continue reading