Category Archives: Motorbikes and Bicycles

5 features to consider when buying a chain to protect your motorbike or bicycle

As the saying goes, a chain is as strong as its weakest link. This is the case for chains by themselves, but it also applies in general for all security systems which consist of several elements. The entire system is as strong as its weakest component. If you lock up your bicycle or motorbike with a system consisting of a lock and a chain, it is therefore important to evaluate not only the quality of the padlock but also that of the chain. If the chain is the weak point, any thief will attack this instead of padlock.
But how can you recognise a good quality chain, which is able to effectively resist any attacks? There are 5 main features to take into consideration: Continue reading

The disc lock: knowing the fors and againsts so as to use them in the best possible way

In the previous blog we talked about how to choose a good quality chain to protect your bikes. When it comes to motorcycles or mopeds, a padlock + chain locking system may not be enough and, in order to sleep more soundly, it may be useful to integrate it with additional protection, such as a disc lock.
The disc lock is a widely used anti-theft system on mopeds and motorcycles as they are very easy to use: quick to put on and take off, don’t take up much space and are not very heavy. However, disc stops have some security limitations which are important to know, especially to be able to use them in the best possible way.
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One-piece padlocks: what are they and when are they needed?

Whoever follows us already knows: for each use there is a specific padlock.
When we are asked, and it often happens, “what is the most advanced and strongest padlock?”, we do not hesitate to reply “one-piece padlocks”, like the Viro Monolith one-piece padlocks, Thor and Totem.

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A more protected garage? Viro security accessories!

In the previous blog we presented some products, an example for each level (from standard to maximum), to ensure agreater protection for the garage door. It is also possible to maximise the strength of the lock. A solution which makes the presence of an armoured lock even more effective is to install additional accessories to enhance the strength of the garage door and the locking system already installed.

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Protect your garage: 3 security levels

Today’s article is dedicated to garages and the most effective methods to protect them.
If you’ve seen the infographic published recently on our blog you’ll remember that we’ve talked about products with “standard”, “higher” and “maximum” levels.
What does this type of classification mean?

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Two Wheels, what passion!

The 100th Giro d’Italia takes place during this month of May and we at Viro have greeted it in real time.
Stage number 12 (Forlì – Reggio Emilia) covered a distance of 229 km, passing through Zola Predosa, near Bologna.
Knowing that there are so many cycling fans that follow us, we would like to offer some safety advice to best safeguard your bicycle on the occasion of the centennial edition of the most famous cycling race in Italy.

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Bite-sized security: how to choose a disc lock

We are in March and finally you can begin to feel the warmth of spring; it’s time to “dust off” the scooter to get around town and / or have are relaxing Sunday excursion on the motorbike.
To enjoy peaceful days out of town with your 2-wheeled vehicle and be sure of finding it exactly where you left it, it is essential to choose the best possible means of protection, in order to avoid unpleasant surprises.
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