Thefts at the gym / swimming pool? How to prevent them

After the summer break, as well as returning to the city, one returns to the routine: work, commitments, gym / swimming pool …
It is no longer time for beach umbrellas and unattended bags to protect, but we find out what we need to do to safeguard valuable items while working out at the gym / swimming pool.

Although it may seem unlikely that a theft will take place in a crowded place, which maybe even has video-surveillance, unfortunately the possibility exists. As you often read in local newspapers, thieves act with awareness and a method; they know how to study habits (and the valuables in possession!) to be able to “strike” with certainty.

The thieves often target the car park of the gyms because they are almost certain of being able pull off “copious” hits.
To prevent a workout from changing from a health benefit to a bad adventure, we advise you to look at several factors.

  1. If possible, do not leave valuables in the car. The classic mistake that all of us, at least once in a lifetime, have committed is to use the boot of the car for holding valuables. We can also convince ourselves that it acts as a safe and that nobody knows what it contains, but the truth is that the thief does this as a “profession” and knows where to look.
  2. Take valuables with you. It is obviously not possible in a swimming pool and it may be inconvenient to carry several items around with you in the gym. However, the most effective way to avoid theft is to always have your belongings within view. This advice, however, is only useful if you are “traveling light”: we challenge anyone to carry a PC or helmet during training. Besides being very inconvenient, it would also certainly be a little disrespectful to others.
  3. If you cannot go to the gym with just a few objects which are not bulky (for example, keys and mobile phones), maybe because you have gone directly from work, or if you are going to a pool, the most immediate solution is to put everything in a locker (provided by every gym / pool) provided that it is securely closed with a lock, if possible “non-micro” (with a body having a base of at least 30 mm), if possible with a combination lock, so that you don’t have to carry a key around with you.

In addition, the managements of gyms declare, in most cases, that they are not responsible for possible thefts; so it is best to take double care and not underestimate the possibility that such an event may actually happen.

Look at the Viro padlocks that can be used in these situations:

Variable combination brass padlocks

Fai by Viro rectangular padlocks with protection cover

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