TSA Approved Locks

In this article we will find out the differences between the TSA approved locks and the other common locks, plus, we will show you how to change the combination of a Viro TSA approved lock.

The beginning of the autumn season, like every year, marks (for many) the return to routine, resulting in a slowdown in tourist travel and a consequent greater offer of advantageous proposals to travel to the USA or to more remote destinations, perhaps making a stopover in one of the many American airports.

To travel to the United States it is absolutely recommended to close your suitcases with TSA locks for the reasons that we will see below.

Why the TSA locks?

This type of combination lock arises from the need to inspect and check the luggage of travellers traveling through US airports in response to the tragic events of 11 September 2001.

The inspection, although it may seem an “encroachment” into personal privacy, aims to ensure the safety of passengers flying to the US and the citizens who live there.

For this reason, the US government agency Transport Security Administration was established in 2001, which gives the acronym TSA.

How do you recognise a TSA lock?

Not all combination locks are TSA approved locks. The latter are, in fact, recognised by the US agency logo shown on the product. This logo is shown below.

Logo TSA
Logo TSA

How to change the combination of a TSA lock?

The use of TSA approved locks is simple. For more information on Viro branded products, refer to the instructions on the back of the package, shown in the photo below or watch the video to know how to change the combination of the Viro TSA lock:

How do the inspections work?

Inspection officers have the right to randomly check the contents of passengers’ suitcases, without having to notify in advance and without requiring any authorisation.
If the suitcases are not locked, the risk is that the passenger could find the suitcase open, possibly even with some of its items missing; if, on the other hand, the suitcases are locked by a normal travel padlock, if these must be inspected, the padlock will be cut by the persons in charge of the inspection. To avoid this kind of inconvenience, the TSA lock has been designed; it is equipped with a lock which can be opened and closed only by the inspection staff, by using a key approved for this purpose, which is in their possession.

After the inspection, the agent will place a document inside the suitcase certifying the inspection carried out (such as that shown below) and reclose the suitcase lock.

Document issued by TSA Agency
Document issued by TSA Agency

For trips to the United States? Yes But not only!

This measure, or a similar one, has not (yet) been adopted in other countries and this could make you think that this type of padlock is only useful for people traveling in the USA. In reality, combination locks, whether they are TSA or not, are also practical, as they allow the traveller to conveniently lock his/her suitcase and forget about the worries of “where do I put the keys”, which is a typical concern with other types of lock. It can therefore be useful, especially when traveling when you have many other things to think about. Furthermore, it is worth remembering that, generally, to obtain an insurance refund following theft of items from the luggage, it is necessary for it to have been locked and forced; therefore, if the suitcase does not provide a standard locking system, it is necessary to use a padlock (or, alternatively, the less practical cellophane covering of the suitcase).

For further technical details on Viro TSA combination locks, please visit the dedicated Viro website page.

2 thoughts on “TSA Approved Locks


    I am Angat SIngh from Highbase Resources Sdn Bhd, Malaysia.
    I am looking for Viro V09 electrical lock sliding gate (long version). Can please drop me a brochure and price per unit.
    The usage is for a sliding gate in a bank vault. The sliding gate is heavy and it is motorized. Card Access reader are installed to the gates. Once a valid entry is made the lock shall open and door opens. If there is a power failure the door shall remained lock and shall be able to be opened with a key.
    I hope the model I have mentioned above can be fulfil the function mentioned.

    1. Miryam Sarti Post author

      Hello Angat,
      thank you for getting in touch. My colleagues from export department will soon get back to you.
      Kind regards,
      Viro Marketing Staff


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