Category Archives: Electric locks

Sliding gates protect the items of most value, but are the least protected. Why?

Some things seem normal just out of habit, but if you stop to think for a moment they don’t make sense. One of these is the fact that automated sliding gates are not closed with any type of automatic lock. Some are closed by manual locks or padlocks, thus defeating the convenience of automation.

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5 things you need to know before buying or changing an electric lock

Locksmiths know them well, as they are one of the most common causes of requests for their intervention. We are talking about electric locks which close the pedestrian gates and access doors. The are easy to use and secure, but far too often they are the source of problems . Problems which can largely be avoided by choosing an electric lock with the following features: Continue reading

How an electric lock for pedestrian accesses works

We do it every day. We push the button, the lock of the gate or door opens and we leave home. We don’t normally try to understand how the mechanism works, we are only interested in the fact that it does work. But when something fails, or when we need to buy a new lock, it is important to understand how things work, so you know what to do or what to choose.

In this short video we see what happens inside an electric lock for pedestrian accesses when the electrical pulse is given or the key is turned.


You can see the catalogue of Viro electric locks here